Youth Support Team
Purpose: The Youth Ministry Support Team exists to assist in calling and enabling the youth of Living Gospel Church to make disciples through exalting Him, encouraging one another, exercising their gifts and evangelizing the lost. The Support Team accomplishes this by working with the youth pastor in planning and implementing special events and missions trips, praying consistently for the youth and giving input into specific ministry situations.
Volunteer role includes:
Time commitment: Monthly (or bi-monthy) meetings, and setting up and attending special events.
Volunteer role includes:
- Serving on the team for a three year term
- Living as a Christian example for the youth of Living Gospel Church
- Committing to regularly praying for the youth
- Attending all Support Team meetings (held monthly or bi-monthly)
- Attending special Youth events (Harvest Party, Sweet Tooth Auction,...)
Time commitment: Monthly (or bi-monthy) meetings, and setting up and attending special events.