Jesus stated in Matthew 16, "...I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." 

When Jesus makes a promise, He delivers. In Acts 2 we witness the birth of His church, and it has been built ever since. As the Head of the church, Jesus has commissioned us to "make disciples of all nations", promising to be with us until His return. It is our passion to see the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed among the nations. We believe the ministry of Living Gospel Church will continue to grow beyond the walls of this building and unite around the purpose of leading even more people to Christ. Through it all, our church has become more dedicated to the purpose of knowing Christ and making Christ known.

We are choosing to move Forward in Faith and extend our reach by designing and funding a new building. This valuable tool of ministry will be used to reach out to our community in new ways. However, any great work of God will require that His people make a renewed commitment to His church and to our calling. Faithful obedience is not always easy, but it pleases the Lord when His people put their trust in Him.

What started the campaign?

Well before the start of the pandemic, we began feeling the limitations of ministry because of our current building. After identifying our ministry needs, a gifted and dedicated Building Committee was formed and worked with Mast Construction on plans for a new church building. Those plans (see images above) were presented to the church and, in September 2021, we began a three year financial campaign.

The next step...

Due to the rising cost of construction and the increased scope of the building, as well as our current campaign pledge total, it is unwise to move forward with the construction of the entire project. Mast Construction has presented a plan to build an enclosed shell of our building. A shell that looks like a fully functioning church…but nothing on the inside. The cost of this step is $2.3 million, which is exactly what we as a church have pledged!

Forward in Faith

Construction will begin ASAP, with a targeted completion date of August 2024. At that time we will have 23+ acres of land and the shell of our new home finished completely debt free. Praise the Lord! We also know that the cost to finish the building is another multi-million dollar step, and we are trusting that the Lord will continue to provide the resources needed to finish this project.

"It excites me to know that we have an opportunity to witness God's faithfulness once again as we come together to build. We have seen God's provision for our church throughout the years. What will He do next? What will He do now? Come with me, come with us, and let's see what He will do among us as we seek to make Christ known to all nations."

-Pastor Mike Raasch

Please consider giving any amount to our church's building campaign. 

Have questions?

We are sure there are many questions you may have! Please feel free to contact our building committee, and also consider praying for our church as we seek to honor the Lord through this campaign. 
