EST. 1972

How it all started...

Our roots go back to a small group of believers from the Milford/New Paris community who left their family churches in pursuit of God's Truth. Their thirst for a clearer understanding of God's grace led them to Community Gospel Church in Bremen. During this time, the Holy Spirit worked in Otto Beer's life in many redemptive ways. Otto was divinely gifted with evangelism, which resulted in him telling others about Jesus' finished work on the cross. He shared the Good News of the Gospel with nearly every soul he met.

Over time, the Lord laid upon Pastor Ott's heart and others to start an Evangelical church closer to home. A small group of believers from New Paris, Milford and other surrounding areas took a huge step of faith and purchased an old church in Nappanee that had closed its doors. With that step of faith and the purchase of a church building, Living Gospel Church was born in 1972. In the newfound church, there was an emphasis in home Bible studies, which allowed everyone to grow in the truths of Jesus Christ. There was also an emphasis in missions, both domestic and international. To this day, we have an annual Missions Conference to highlight and support missionaries serving in the United States and the world.

During the next seventeen years, many lives were changed, and the congregation grew. The Lord blessed greatly, and they outgrew the building. In 1989, Living Gospel Church purchased our current building which served our mission well and enabled us to share God's plan of salvation to an even larger group of people. Since 1972, Living Gospel has followed the simple idea that "Jesus Plus Nothing" is all we need. It has always been the heart of this church to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in the community as well as the uttermost parts of the world. As we seek to carry out His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) one will find the undiluted message of Jesus Christ being taught from the pulpit, in Sunday school classes, in small group ministry, in Youth Group and in children's ministry. 

Expanding the vision...

God's people are still hungry for truth. More and more people are coming to Living Gospel Church to be fed, nurtured, and taught about Jesus Christ. As a result, our church building is once again at capacity. As Living Gospel Church generationally continues to serve the One True God, we are committed to move "Forward in Faith" as God leads the way. To learn more about our current building campaign, click the link below.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 8:15 am and 10:45 am.