Writing and Sharing Your Testimony

"I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips, Lord, as you know. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly." Psalm 40:9-10

Sometimes, we think of our testimony is simply how we came to know the Lord. That is definitely part of our testimony, but I think it is more helpful to think or our testimony as us “telling others how God has worked in our lives...”Your testimony includes how God brought you to understand your need for a Savior, how He led you to put your trust in Him, and how He has shown Himself faithful time and time again throughout your life.
How to develop your testimony:
  • Start with a blank timeline. Take some time to fill out all the major events in your life (spiritual and otherwise). They could be trials, joys, times of rebellion, times of growth moves, job transitions, births of children, death of family members...
  • Next think and pray about how God has helped you through these times. How did you see His hand at work through these situations? What did He teach you about Himself through these events? Write these things out on your timeline.
  • The gospel is the central way in which God has worked in our lives, so make sure to clearly explain your understanding of your salvation:
    • I was a sinner, in rebellion to God and because of my sin I deserved death and eternal separation from God (Hell)
    • Jesus rescued me from my sin by taking on flesh, living a perfect life, and dying the death that I deserved.
    • I have put my trust in His finished work, and now I desire to live a life to His glory
  • Write down any passages of scripture that have helped you throughout your life, or any that were particularly encouraging or challenging during a certain time in your life. Add these to your timeline as well.
  • Spend some time looking over this Testimony Timeline, thanking God for how He has supernaturally worked in and through you to bring you to where you are today!

How to share your testimony:
  • Testimonies are a powerful tool to use during evangelism as we can share about the “realness" and faithfulness of God to those that haven’t experienced Him. AND no one can argue with or deny your testimony!
  • I think it is helpful to have a 1 minute, 5 minute and long (10 minute plus) testimony that can be shared in different settings.
  • Always bring your testimony back around to the gospel message. That it is through faith in Jesus Christ that salvation and redemption come!