creative team request form

Welcome to the Creative Request Process! We're making tweaks to the entire creative process to make it easier for everyone to get what they need when they need it. Before you fill the request form out, consider the following...

Is this in the correct time frame? 
The Creative Team needs at least 2 weeks to complete your project, but requests that you submit your Creative Team Request Form one month before your promotional deadline. Creative Team Request Forms that do not honor the time frame, will be reviewed and considered, but there may be other time-pressing requests already in process.

Take a moment to think about how you want to spread the word. Here are a few questions to consider:
  • What’s your strategy for promotion? Social media? Flyers or handouts? Weekly email? On-stage announcements? T-shirts or other items?

Do you have inspiration images or ideas?
To help us capture your vision, it’s really helpful to share 2-4 inspiration images (or videos if you're requesting a video). These could come from Pinterest, other churches, your favorite brands—anywhere you find something that inspires you!

If you’ve thought through these questions, you’re ready to submit your Creative Request Form. When filling it out, please be as detailed as possible. If you need help or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here for you!

Important note:
The Creative Team will have final approval on the overall design and style of your project. We stay up-to-date with current trends, keep your target audience in mind, and always value your input. Ultimately, our goal is to create designs that represent the Living Gospel Church mission.

Let’s get started and create something amazing together!

What's going on? Give us the details! Think through these questions: