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The Spirituality of God

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Living Gospel Church seeks to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ as it encourages those who know Christ and evangelizes those who need Christ. Therefore, we are committed to the careful exposition of Scripture and the reverent praise of our glorious God. We are a Word-based, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused ministry and invite you to join us in the desire to see God's Son, Jesus Christ, honored in our personal lives, our families, our church, and our community.


Everything we do at Living Gospel Church is purposed on this missions statement:
God calls his people at Living Gospel Church to make disciples through 
Exalting Him, Encouraging one another, Exercising our gifts and Evangelizing the lost.
Grow in your relationships. Grow in your faith. Get connected!
Community Groups at Living Gospel exist so that we can encourage one another to faithfully follow Jesus. 

"Jesus + Nothing"

Since 1972, Living Gospel has followed the simple idea that "Jesus Plus Nothing" is all we need. It has always been the heart of this church to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in the community as well as the uttermost parts of the world. As we seek to carry out His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) one will find the undiluted message of Jesus Christ being taught from the pulpit, in Sunday school classes, in small group ministry, in Youth Group and in children's ministry.

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LGC Building Campaign:
Forward in Faith

God's people are still hungry for truth. More and more people are coming to Living Gospel Church to be fed, discipled, and taught about Jesus Christ. As a result, our church building is once again at capacity. As the church continues to serve the One True God, we are committed to move "Forward in Faith" as God leads the way.

"One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. "
Psalm 145:4

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